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Study Abroad

Practice your language skills with native speakers while learning about other cultures through study abroad. Programs differ in length, transportation, destination, subjects of study, participants and goals.

Study abroad

Many students find more practical reasons for studying abroad, such as learning a new language or perfecting language skills already obtained. Study abroad can enrich an academic background by giving you the opportunity to take courses not available at home or by learning through another country’s approach to education. Not all places in the world view education, learning and knowledge the way we do in the United States. With programs ranging from one week to a full year, it is easy to find a program that meets your academic goals.

Some students perceive an international experience as a way to gain a competitive edge in the employment marketplace. Study abroad can enhance your coping skills, flexibility and ability to deal with stress and ambiguity. In addition to the specific knowledge you gain about another country and culture, having an international study experience says that you are able to go beyond your own personal comfort zone and that you are not afraid to be challenged.

Regardless of the reason you choose to study abroad, one result that seems to happen to everyone is that you learn more about yourself than you ever imagined. Regardless of why you want to study abroad, the results are always profound and varied.

Funding for trips is available through a variety of sources to fit students' needs. The program also offers a number of Scholarship opportunities for our students that can be used towards Study Abroad. More information is available from  WVU Education Abroad and the Office of Global Affairs.

If you have questions regarding study abroad opportunities, please email the following contacts:

Arabic: Manal AlNatour -

Chinese: Yilin Liao-Carlson -

French: Marie Paillard -

Spanish: Sergio Robles-Puente -